Having Faith in Uncertain Times, 3 Quick Tips

Having faith in uncertain times is something that is not always easy to do. Uncertainty can be scary in every aspect of life because we simply just don’t know what’s to come. Today we live in times of uncertainty especially here in the United States. Fresh into 2025 the news break with multiple headlines from terrorist attacks to unprecedented natural disasters, which can make one feel scared and uncertain of what’s to come. However, no matter what it looks like we must keep the faith. I’m going to share with you 3 quick tips on how to keep the faith in uncertain times.

Having Faith in Uncertain Times Tip #1: Prayer

Faith and Prayer go hand in hand, so much so that you really can’t do one without the other. But have you ever asked yourself why do we pray? And if God really even hears our prayers? I will be the first to admit that I’ve asked God myself why is prayer so important and I definitely have asked if he’s even listening. It turns out that prayer actually keeps us in connection with God and interestingly enough it also creates a dependency from us onto him. Sometimes we can get so caught up in depending on others and even depending on ourselves when at the end of the day we are all human. We are not always going to come through for each other let alone ourselves. Thats where God comes in at.

Prayer keeps us connected and in relationship with God to demonstrate to him that we need him. And when it comes to uncertain times and when things happen out of our control, we definitely need him and should bring everything to him in Prayer. He also hears us when we pray, in scripture he reassures us of that over and over. For example, the scripture Psalm 34:17 says: “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles”.

And P.S. you have to be persistent in your prayer life even if the things you’re praying for have not happened yet. So, if you’re in a season of uncertainty just know that the Lord hears you and wants you to keep praying because soon, he will show up and you will have built up faith within you to know that in due time, he will show up for you because he Always does.

Having Faith in Uncertain Times Tip #2: Worship

I grew up Baptist and Pentecostal so if you know anything about that you know worship is a big deal. I found out that when you play worship music and sing a song of praise to the lord, that it summons his presence. All of a sudden, an overwhelming presence comes over you and things begin to happen whether its speaking in Toungs, crying, or shouting. Everyone’s worship may not look the same, but the Holy Spirit will still show up.

So why do we worship? We worship because it shows signs of gratitude to God letting him know how thankful we are for everything he’s done for us. And this is extremely important in times of uncertainty because your flesh is actually going to want to do the opposite. You know like worry and having consuming thoughts about the things that may plague us that we don’t have answers to or control over. Worship is the perfect time to bring your uncertainties because God actually wants us to rejoice in those times. God reminds us of this in Psalm 47:1-2 “Clap your hands all you people, shout to God with loud songs of Joy. For the Lord, the Most High is awesome, a great king over all the earth”.

I love to hype God up during worship by saying things like “Nothing is too hard for the Lord, you are the great I AM, you are in control all mighty powerful God. This centers and reassures me that no matter what God has my back, and he will never leave my side because he truly cares.

Tip #3: Read God’s Word

If you don’t take away anything else from this post, please remember this last tip. In the times that we are currently living in it is critical that we stay in the word. We need to have an actual physical bible and read and meditate on God’s word. Why? Because God’s word is a sword, a weapon that we can use when the adversary tries to strike. You need to know it for yourself so that no one else can tell you any old thing. God speaks on this in Hosea 4:6 by saying “My people perish for lack of knowledge”. The more of the word you know the more it will stay with you. There are so many stories in the bible that applies to everyday life. Which is comforting because sometimes it can feel like God doesn’t know what we are going through, but he does.

In fact, in Ecclesiastes 1:9 God says, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun”. God has seen it all and that scripture kind reminds me of the saying “The players may change, but the game remains the same”. When dealing with uncertainty it’s imperative to read God’s word daily even if it’s just one verse a day because overtime it will stay with you.

I hope these 3 tips for having faith in times of uncertainty helps you in your walk of faith. It’s not easy but these 3 tips will keep us grounded and connected to the source. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and any additional tips that you utilize to have faith in uncertainty.